Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Analisa Kampanye Sosial Marketing

Markus Wesly Suebu
MKT 20-3C / 16130203506
1.     Kampanye pemasaran sosial penting adanya karena melalui kampanye sosial ini, perilaku masyarakat di suatu area tertentu dapat dimanipulasi demi kebaikan individu anggota masyarakat tersebut dan juga secara kolektif. Dengan melakukan kampanye pemasaran sosial, kebiasaan dan perilaku masyarakat dapat didorong untuk mengadopsi kebiasaan atau perilaku baru; yang lebih positif, menghindari perilaku-perilaku yang berpotensi membahayakan, memodifikasi perlaku masyarakat yang sudah ada dan berkembang, serta mendorong masyarakat untuk meninggalkan perilaku-perilaku yang bersifat negatif. Hal hal tersebut ditunjukan demi menciptakan kondisi kehidupan bersama yang lebih baik di tengah masyarakat suatu daerah. Melalui kampanye pemasaran sosial, masyarakat didorong untuk secara bersama-sama memperbaiki suatu masalah yang sedang terjadi di tengah-tengah kehidupan masyarakat itu sendiri.
Dari sisi keuntungan yang didapat perusahaan/produsen adalah menggalakkan kesadaran masyarakat akan keberadaan merk/perusahaan itu sendiri, membangun citra yang baik dari merk/perusahaan di benak masyarakat sebagai konsumen dan potensial konsumen serta dapat memicu sikap loyal dari masyarakat terhadap merk/perusahaan tersebut.

2.     Kasus 1 : JUJURisme
JUJURisme adalah gerakan dari kelompok organisasi masyarakat yang bertujuan untuk ‘menularkan’ sikap jujur dan bersih ke semua orang dan lembaga dalam memerangi tindakan korupsi yang kian menjadi budaya masyarakat Indonesia. Organisasi ini berdiri sejak 7 Juli 2012 dan menggunakan beberapa platform media sosial dalam berkampanye yaitu Facebook ,Twitter dan Blogspot.

Markus Wesly Suebu
MKT 20-3C / 16130203506
Menurut saya, kampanye yang dilakukan kelompok organisasi masyarakat ini tergolong kurang sukses jika melihat dari lamanya kampanye ini dijalankan. JUJURisme dimulai dari tahun 2012 dan hingga 6 tahun lamanya berjalan, menurut saya kampanye ini kurang mendapat perhatian masyarakat, padahal kampanye ini mengangkat ramai dibicarakan dan cukup menyita atensi masyarakat Indonesia. Kurangnya perhatian masyarakat akan kampanye ini dapat dilihat dari jumlah pengikut di berbagai media sosialnya, seperti di jejaring Twitter, jumlah pengikut @JUJURisme hingga kini hanya sebanyak 67 pengguna, dan pada jejaring Facebook yang jumlah pengikutnya hanya berjumlah 103 pengguna. Hal ini menurut saya diakibatkan oleh kurang aktifnya penggerak kampanye ini untuk berkomunikasi dengan masyarakat/netizen sehingga kurang meng-engage target audience, terlihat dari jumlah tweet di Twitter yang hanya berjumlah 223 tweets dan post di Facebook yang hanya berjumlah 13 post, sejak dibuat pada tahun 2012 silam.

Kasus 2 : #BijakBersosmed
#BijakBersosmed adalah kampanye gerakan masyarakat yang bertujuan untuk mengajak masyarakat Indonesia menggunakan media sosial secara bijak, sehat dan positif. Gerakan ini menggunakan platform media sosial Facebook, Twitter dan Instagram dalam mengadakan kampanyenya. Menurut saya, gerakan kampanye ini terbilang sangat sukses, terlihat dari jumlah pengikut di masing-masing media platform media sosialnya, seperti di Facebook, jumlah pengikutnya kini mencapai 17.670 pengguna, di Instagram sebanyak 6.491 pengguna dan di Twitter yakni sebanyak 899 pengguna. Kampanye #BijakBersosmed secara aktif terus berkomunikasi dengan pengikutnya dan kerap kali mengadakan social gathering seperti “kopi darat” secagai ajang saling berkumpul antar sesama pengikutnya. Pengguna tagar (#BijakBersosmed) juga menjadi kunci agar kampanye ini dapat menarik atensi masyarakat secara umum.

Catatan pribadi di dalam kelas                                     https://weslysuebu.blogspot.co.id

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Alright, now talking about my third tattoo. It's definitely the biggest tattoo so far. The tattoo is two bird feather tied together by a rosario. the story behind it is both feathers are my parents and as I love them so much, I want them to be happy and blessed and always watched my God. Why rosario, is because I grew in a very religious Christian family. Its done under my right lower sleeve just so I can see it all the time and pray for my parents. Since it is the biggest tattoo I currently have makes it also the most painful one hour of my live.

Hi, how u guys doin? So the previous post was about my first tattoo. Now let me tell you about the second one. Anyway I got 3 tatts so last post, most likely I'll be talking about the third one aight…

Second tattoo, as I mentioned in the previous post, I was interested in language most people find it hard to read. One of them is Arabic. I find that Arabic writing is somehow sexy, so I made up my mind that the next phrase tatted on me would be in Arabic. 
On the other hand, talking bit about religion and belief, I personally do believe that there is God. There is a power that stronger than human's, power that hinger then our's, which is God, And each of our way to get to know God is many enough to put us into differences, which I personally acknowledge as religion. Why? I might sound a bit tacky, but I feel like religion only makes us look different on and another while in the end of the day, all of us have only one point to head to, which is God. 
Based on my personal thoughts about religion and God, i chose a phrase says "believe in God" to be tatted in Arabic under my collar bone.

Why collar bone? Not only that I'm lucky enough to have strong collar bone (bit bragging), it's also kinda awesome to have tattoo that plays peek-a-boo, by that I mean the tattoo is a long as my single collar bone, so some of it would appear and some is hidden under my shirt, so when I talk to somebody, it plays with them and i kinda like it. Sometimes when I talk to people, instead of looking at my eyes, I find them trying to read my tattoo, which I always end up being asked about the meaning and stuff.

(Believe in God)

Well, first thing first, I'll try to describe what it fells being tatted. Excited? Yes. Scared? A bit. Nervous? As hell. For me, when I was about to go under the needles, it was too many emotions goin on. The first couple seconds the tattoo machine touch your skin, it was not that painful as you imagine. Well you'll experience the real pain after couple minutes ahead, as the needles dancing on your skin, and the tattoo artist pressing the "hotspot" to rub the tint or blood. That's pretty what i felt on my first tattoo.

I'm actually goin to talk about my first tattoo. Having tatoo(s) has always been one of many things I promise myself i'll do as i grow older. I was 19 when I got tatted for the first time, it was, as i told you, kinda painful and numb. I always find myself interested in Sanskrit so I got "Ohm" as my first tattoo. Ohm means God. I got on my left wrist. In choosing which part of your body to get tatted also have to has some philosophical meaning, i chose my wrist because I want to be able to look at it all the time, therefore it keeps reminding me of my Ohm.
Beside Sanskrit, i also interested in language that people don't usually understand, the kinda language that has their own writing and stuff, language like India, Arabic, Thai, Russia, Hebrew and so on.
In the end of the day, the pain and numb kinda feeling that keep me to be back get tatted again, just so I can feel that kinda feeling again.

(Excuse my poor writing skill, ttyl)



So basically this blog was made to save my ass. This semester, i happen to have to take  internet marketing class and as the individual assessment I got create a blog then talk about myself, what I'm interest in and other stuff about my own self. And since I am way behind the deadline, and the lecturer was very generous to give me more time to submit my assessment, here I am, 12 at night trying to find the right words to type (I'm not very good at decent English). This blog will actually talks a lot about tattoo. I like tattoo, I have some, I am looking forward to make some, and by this blog, I'll explain to you about my tattoo one by one, aight...